Florence and the Machine Debut Intense Video for ‘Delilah’
Together, the visuals for Florence and the Machine’s latest album, How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful, create the powerful Odyssey series, all featuring frontwoman Florence Welch at the center of intensely choreographed sequences. The latest Vincent Haycock-directed installment for “Delilah” arrives today (Oct. 21).
“Delilah” connects to previous How Big, How Blue, How Beauitful videos, including the driving scenes seen in “What Kind of Man” and Welch’s struggles with a doppelganger in “Ship to Wreck.” This time, however, Welch finds herself in an ominous motel heavy on religious imagery, where she finally unmasks (or, in this case, de-wigs) her lookalike. Check it out above.
The Odyssey series features six chapters so far, including videos for the album's title track, “St. Jude” and "Queen of Peace” and “Long & Lost.”
Welch and company will play the first of two shows at the Greek Theatre in Berkeley, Calif., tonight. Then, they’re off to Portland, Vancouver, Seattle and New Orleans before heading to Australia. See a complete itinerary at the band’s website.
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